At Clarkston Pain and Rehab, the experienced team of medical professionals provides pain and injury management that addresses every patient’s unique needs.
People visit the Clarkston, Michigan, office to get an individualized pain management approach that is customized for their symptoms and condition.
Proven treatment methods include spinal cord stimulators to address chronic pain, or epidural steroid injections for pain from herniated discs, bone spurs, or spinal arthritis. Sympathetic ganglion blocks alleviate symptoms associated with complex regional pain syndrome and Raynaud’s syndrome.
The practice also offers nerve blocks to stop the pain messages that come from the nerves in a particular part of the body. The team carefully reviews treatment protocols and provides medication management so patients get the best medication type and dosage for their condition.
Clarkston Pain and Rehab collaborates with other healthcare professionals on a patient’s care team to provide them with the best pain management possible. Call today or use the online tool to book an appointment to get comprehensive care that helps find relief from chronic pain and injuries.